Simpact Cyan
Population based event driven simulation using mNRM
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAlgorithmThis class contains the core algorithm (as shown on the main page of the documentation) to execute the modified next reaction method (mNRM)
 CBetaDistributionThis class allows you to return a random number from a beta distribution with parameters specified in the constructor
 Cbool_tType to return true/false with error description
 CConfigReaderA helper class to read config files
 CConfigSettingsHelper class to read configuration settings, more advanced than ConfigReader
 CCSVFileThis is a helper class for reading CSV files, which are assumed to hold numbers
 CDiscreteDistributionHelper class to generate random numbers based on some kind of discrete distribution
 CEventBaseThis is the base class for events in the mNRM algorithm
 CExponentialDistributionThis class allows you to return a random number picked from an exponential distribution with specified scale factor
 CFixedValueDistributionNot actually a distribution, but can be used to force a specific value to be generated every time
 CFixedValueDistribution2DNot actually a 2D distribution, but can be used to force specific values to be generated every time
 CGammaDistributionThis class allows you to return a random number picked from a gamma distribution with parameters specified in the constructor
 CGslRandomNumberGeneratorThis class allows you to generate random numbers, and uses the GNU Scientific Library for this
 CHazardFunctionAbstract base class which can be used for a hazard
 CHazardFunctionExpHelper class for time dependent exponential hazards
 CLogFileHelper class to write to a log file
 CLogNormalDistributionThis class allows you to return a random number from a log-normal distribution with parameters specified in the constructor
 CNormalDistributionThis class allows you to return a random number from a normal distribution with parameters specified in the constructor
 CPersonAlgorithmInfoBase class to be able to store algorithm-specific information in the PersonBase object for a person in the simulation (see PersonBase::setAlgorithmInfo)
 CPersonBaseThis is the base class for a person in a population-based simulation
 CPolygon2DThis class can be used to represent a polygon
 CPopulationAlgorithmAboutToFireInterfaceAn interface to allow a member function PopulationAlgorithmAboutToFireInterface::onAboutToFire to be called (see PopulationAlgorithmInterface::setAboutToFireAction)
 CPopulationAlgorithmAdvancedThis class provides functions for a population-based simulation using the modified Next Reaction Method (mNRM)
 CPopulationAlgorithmInterfaceAn interface for a population based mNRM algorithm
 CPopulationAlgorithmSimpleThis class provides functions for a population-based simulation using the modified Next Reaction Method (mNRM)
 CPopulationAlgorithmTestingThis class provides functions for a population-based simulation using the modified Next Reaction Method (mNRM)
 CPopulationDistributionBase class for picking random numbers according to some kind of age distribution
 CPopulationDistributionCSVThis class allows you to pick random ages according to the data loaded from a CSV file
 CPopulationEventThis is the base class for events in population-based simulations
 CPopulationStateAdvancedPopulation state to be used when simulating with the population based algorithm in PopulationAlgorithmAdvanced, makes sure that the functions from PopulationStateInterface are implemented
 CPopulationStateExtraBase class to allow some extra information to be stored in each state that implements PopulationStateInterface (see PopulationStateInterface::setExtraStateInfo)
 CPopulationStateInterfaceInterface for a simulation state for the population-based algorithm, specifying member functions that need to be implemented
 CPopulationStateSimplePopulation state to be used when simulating with the straightforward algorithm in PopulationAlgorithmSimple, makes sure that the functions from PopulationStateInterface are implemented
 CProbabilityDistributionAbstract base class for probability distribution implementations so that they can be used interchangeably
 CProbabilityDistribution2DAbstract base class for 2D probability distribution implementations so that they can be used interchangeably
 CSimpleAlgorithmA very naive implementation of the necessary functions from the Algorithm class
 CStateThis is a base class describing the simulation state of an mNRM algorithm
 CTimeLimitedHazardFunctionStarting from a particular hazard, this modified hazard returns a constant value for times larger that a certain value
 CUniformDistributionThis class allows you to return a random number from a uniform distribution with parameters specified in the constructor
 CUniformDistribution2DThis class allows you to return a random number from a uniform distribution with parameters specified in the constructor