Simpact Cyan
Population based event driven simulation using mNRM
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCDiscreteDistributionHelper class to generate random numbers based on some kind of discrete distribution
oCerrut::ErrorBaseBase class which allows an error message to be set
|oCCSVFileThis is a helper class for reading CSV files, which are assumed to hold numbers
|oCPopulationDistributionBase class for picking random numbers according to some kind of age distribution
||\CPopulationDistributionCSVThis class allows you to pick random ages according to the data loaded from a CSV file
|\CStateThis class both describes the simulation state and contains the core algorithm (as shown on the main page of the documentation) to execute the modified next reaction method (mNRM)
| oCPopulationThis class provides functions for a population-based simulation using the modified Next Reaction Method (mNRM)
| \CSimpleStateA very naive implementation of the necessary functions from the State class
oCEventBaseThis is the base class for events in the mNRM algorithm
|\CPopulationEventThis is the base class for events in population-based simulations which use the Population class
oCGslRandomNumberGeneratorThis class allows you to generate random numbers, and uses the GNU Scientific Library for this
\CPersonBaseThis is the base class for a person in a population-based simulation that used the Population class