.. _simpactcyan: Simpact Cyan - |version| ======================== This document is the reference documentation for the Simpact Cyan program, the C++ version of the `Simpact `_ family of programs. The program is most easily controlled through either the Python or R bindings, using the ``pysimpactcyan`` module and ``RSimpactCyan`` package respectively; the way to use them is described below. The Python bindings are included in the Simpact Cyan package, the R bindings need to be installed separately from within R. Apart from this document, there exists some additional documentation as well: - Documentation of the program code itself can be found here: `code documentation `_. - A tutorial for using the R bindings: `Age-mixing tutorial Bruges 2015 `_ .. _programs: The Simpact Cyan installers, as well as the source code for the program, can be found in the `'programs' `_. directory. If you're using MS-Windows, you'll need to install the `Visual Studio 2015 redistributable package `_ as well (use the **x86** version) to be able to use the installed version. In case you're interested in :ref:`running simulations from R `, you'll need to have a working Python version installed as well. For MS-Windows this is typically not installed by default; when installing this it's best to use the default directory (e.g. ``C:\Python27`` or ``C:\Python34``). MaxART documentation -------------------- The configuration for running MaxART specific simulations is very similar to the core Simpact Cyan features. The things that are different are described in the :ref:`MaxART documentation `. Documentation contents ---------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :numbered: simpact_introduction.rst simpact_conf_and_running.rst simpact_output.rst simpact_simulationdetails.rst maxart.rst simpact_references.rst Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`