Simpact Cyan
Population based event driven simulation using mNRM
Simpact Cyan


Simpact Cyan is an event driven simulation framework intended for the study of HIV infection spread in South Africa. The core event based framework is reusable in other contexts as well and does not contain any specific reference to HIV or South Africa. Instead, a very general set of classes is provided which are intended to be used for population-based simulations. This means that for the most part, the state of a simulation consists of the people in the population and events in the simulation will affect those people.

As will be explained below, the algorithm used is called the modified Next Reaction Method and is not specific to population based simulations. Another very trivial implementation is provided as well, apart from the population-based implementation, but this is in no way optimized and will perform poorly. But because it is such a straightforward implementation, it can provide a good reference simulation to compare the more optimized version to.

Event based simulations

Internal times and real world times

In the event based framework we'll be using, event times are based on an internal clock $ T $. These event times are generated at random: the first random number $ \Delta T_0 $ determines an internal event fire time $ T_1 $. Then, a new random number $ \Delta T_1 $ is generated telling the algorithm that the next internal event time is

\[ T_2 = T_1 + \Delta T_1 \]

The situation is illustrated in the figure below, where in general

\[ T_{i+1} = T_i + \Delta T_i \]

Typically, the random numbers $ \Delta T_i $ will be chosen from an exponential distribution, but in principle this could be different.


This simple time line of the internal clock is subsequently mapped onto real world times $ t $ using a propensity function or hazard $ h $, using the following integral equation:

\[ T = \int_0^t h(s) ds \]

Since the $ T $ values are the ones that are known, this integral equation must be solved for $ t $ to calculate the corresponding real world time. This mapping can be simply a speedup or slowdown of time, or could be something more complicated, as hinted at by the figure below.


If we write the equation above for a general $ T_{i+1} $, we get:

\[ T_{i+1} = \int_0^{t_{i+1}} h(s) ds = \int_0^{t_i} h(s) ds + \int_{t_i}^{t_{i+1}} h(s) ds \]

\[ \Leftrightarrow T_{i+1} = T_i + \int_{t_i}^{t_{i+1}} h(s) ds \]

\[ \Leftrightarrow T_{i+1} - T_i = \Delta T_i = \int_{t_i}^{t_{i+1}} h(s) ds \]

So if the real world event fire time $ t_i $ is known, the generated random number $ \Delta T_i $ determines the next real world event time $ t_{i+1} $ by solving the integral equation

\[ \Delta T_i = \int_{t_i}^{t_{i+1}} h(s) ds \]

Multiple event types and simulation state

We'll be working with some kind of simulation state $ X $ that changes during the simulation, but only changes when an event is fired: in between events the simulation state does not change. So for example

\[ X(t) = X(t_i) {\rm \ if\ } t \in [t_i,t_{i+1}[ \]

A hazard can be time dependent both because it depends on the simulation state, and because there is some intrinsic time dependence. The relationship between internal times and real world times then becomes

\[ \Delta T_i = \int_{t_i}^{t_{i+1}} h(X(s),s) ds = \int_{t_i}^{t_{i+1}} h(X(t_i),s) ds \]

where we used the fact that the simulation state is constant in between events.

In a general simulation there will be more than one event type, each having its own internal time line. These internal time lines do not influence each other, but because an event can change the simulation state, the mapping through the hazard function onto real world times can become different in one time line because of an event generated in another time line.

Suppose for a specific internal time line, at one point we've generated the random number $ \Delta T_a $ which is mapped onto a next real world event time $ t_{a+1} $ through the equation

\[ \Delta T_a = \int_{t_a}^{t_{a+1}} h(X(s),s) ds = \int_{t_a}^{t_{a+1}} h(X(t_a),s) ds \]

where in the last equality we've used the fact that we're assuming the state won't change in $ [t_a, t_{a+1}[ $.

That's all it is of course, an assumption, because events from another time line could very well fire during that interval and change the state. Suppose that this is the case, that because of some other timeline another event changed the state at time $ t_b \in [t_a, t_{a+1}[ $. This implies that the last equality in the previous equation is no longer valid; instead, the equation becomes:

\[ \Delta T_a = \int_{t_a}^{t_{a+1}} h(X(s),s) ds = \int_{t_a}^{t_b} h(X(t_a),s) ds + \int_{t_b}^{t_{a+1}} h(X(t_b),s) ds \]

Here we've used the fact that we now know that $ X(s) $ remained constant in $ [t_a, t_b[ $ and that we're re-calculating the next fire time $ t_{a+1} $ based on the assumption that the state will remain constant in $ [t_b, t_{a+1} [ $.

To calculate the next scheduled event fire time $ t_{a+1} $, we first subtract the internal time interval corresponding to $ [t_a, t_b [ $ from $ \Delta T_a $, let's call the result $ \Delta T_b $:

\[ \Delta T_b \equiv \Delta T_a - \int_{t_a}^{t_b} h(X(t_a),s) ds \]

Then, we need to solve for $ t_{a+1} $ using the following equation

\[ \Delta T_b = \int_{t_b}^{t_{a+1}} h(X(t_b),s) ds \]

which is very similar to the equation for our first calculation for $ t_{a+1} $, but now starting from $ t_b $ and using the adjusted internal time $ \Delta T_b $.

Note that if the hazard is not explicitly time dependent, the fact that the simulation state does not change in between event fire times, really speeds up the procedure since the integral becomes trivial:

\[ \int_{t_a}^{t_{a+1}} h(X(s)) ds = \int_{t_a}^{t_{a+1}} h(X(t_a)) ds = h(X(t_a)) \int_{t_a}^{t_{a+1}} ds = (t_{a+1}-t_a) h(X(t_a)) \]

Modified next reaction method

Core algorithm

This procedure, predicting the next real world event fire time and correcting it if another event fires first, is the basis of the modified Next Reaction Method (mNRM). Suppose there are $M$ event types, each with their own internal time line and call $ rnd() $ a function that returns a random number in $[0,1]$ (uniform). The modified Next Reaction Method, where internal time intervals are picked from an exponential distribution ${\rm prob}(x) = \exp(-x)$, then works as follows:


It may not be necessary to do the $\int_t^{t+\Delta t_\mu} h_k(X(t),s) ds$ calculation every time. If the state changes due to each event, and this influences all hazard functions, then we really do need to calculate every

\[ \Delta T_{k,1} = \int_{t_1}^{t_2} h_k(X(t_1),s) ds \textrm{, } \Delta T_{k,2} = \int_{t_2}^{t_3} h_k(X(t_2),s) ds \textrm{, } \Delta T_{k,3} = \int_{t_3}^{t_4} h_k(X(t_3),s) ds \textrm{, etc.} \]

However, if the hazard does not change for a particular time line $k$, then instead of calculating each $\Delta T_{k,i}$ above, we can save some unnecessary recalculations by just calculating an integral

\[ \Delta T_{k,sum} = \int_{t_0}^{t_{end}} h_k(X(t_0),s) ds \]

Where in the core mNRM each event time line only needs to keep track of it's own internal $ \Delta T $ value (because the mapping to the real world time is calculated over and over again), to make this new approach work some additional bookkeeping is needed to keep track of when the events would fire in real time.

If one keeps track of which event affects which, this can really save some calculation time. It's also possible to determine more efficiently which event will fire next, not needing to inspect all scheduled event fire times at every loop.

A slightly re-ordered version (for positive times only since we use a negative one as a marker), which is nearly identical to the one used in the program code is the following:

Implementation of mNRM

While in the outline above there are a fixed number of $ M $ event types, this does not need to be the case. Event types could be added or removed dynamically without any problem. In the case of the population based simulations in this project, we will just talk about a number of events in which each event only fires once and is then discarded. This corresponds to the situation where there are as many time lines as events, being added and destroyed dynamically, but since each 'time line' will only use a single internal time interval it's not really a line anymore.

Basic algorithm implementation

The last algorithm presented above fits in the abstraction used by the Algorithm class, in the Algorithm::evolve function:

simTime = 0;
while (true)
// Ask for the next scheduled event and for the time until it takes place.
// This function should also calculate the correct event fire times for
// events which still need the mapping onto the real world event time.
// This perfoms steps 1 and 2 from the loop in the algorithm above.
EventBase *pNextScheduledEvent = getNextScheduledEvent(dtMin);
if (pNextScheduledEvent == 0)
break; // No more next event, exit the loop
// Advance the event fire times of all necessary events,
// but definitely not for the next scheduled one since that's the one
// we're going to fire. This maps to step 3 above.
advanceEventTimes(pNextScheduledEvent, simTime + dtMin);
// Advance simulation time (step 4)
simTime += dtMin;
// Inform about an event about to be fired.
// Fire the event, which may adjust the
// current state and generate a new internal time difference. This
// corresponds to step 5.
pNextScheduledEvent->fire(algorithm, simulationState, simTime);
pNextScheduledEvent->generateNewInternalTimeDifference(m_pRndGen, this);

A very straightforward implementation of the necessary functions can be found in the SimpleAlgorithm class. Like in the very basic mNRM algorithm, for each event executed, all other event times are always recalculated. This makes the procedure very slow of course, but it is a good reference to test a more advanced implementation against.

To create a simulation with this version of the algorithm, you need to provide implementations for the SimpleAlgorithm::getCurrentEvents and SimpleAlgorithm::onFiredEvent functions. The first function must return a list of all events in the system, the second one can modify the list of events, for example removing the event that just fired if no longer needed.

The code that implements initEventTimes looks as follow:

events = getCurrentEvents();
for (int i = 0 ; i < events.size() ; i++)
events[i]->generateNewInternalTimeDifference(pRndGen, this);

The code for the getNextScheduledEvent implementation looks as follows:

int eventPos = -1;
for (int i = 0 ; i < events.size() ; i++)
// This function calcutates the real-world interval that corresponds
// to the stored internal time interval.
double dt = events[i]->solveForRealTimeInterval(this, curTime);
if (dt < dtMin)
dtMin = dt;
eventPos = i;

Here, the key calculation is the solveForRealTimeInterval one, which solves for $ dt $ in the integral

\[ \Delta T = \int_{\rm curTime }^{{\rm curTime} + dt} h(X({\rm curTime}),s) ds \]

where $ \Delta T $ is the current (remaining) internal time interval for an event (this internal time interval is stored inside events[i] and is therefore not explicitly visible in the code).

Finally, the advanceEventTimes implementation is the following:

double t1 = curTime + dtMin;
for (int i = 0 ; i < events.size() ; i++)
if (i != eventPos)
// This function subtracts from the internal time the
// amount that corresponds to advancing the real world
// time to t1
events[i]->subtractInternalTimeInterval(this, t1);

Here, the internal time $ \Delta T $ for an event is replaced by

\[ \Delta T - \int_{t^c}^{t_1} h(X(t^c),s) ds \]

where $ t_1 = {\rm curTime} + {\rm dtMin} $ and $t_c$ is the time at which the mapping between internal time interval and real world fire time was last calculated.

Population based algorithm

As was said before, the previous implementation from SimpleAlgorithm is slow as in general it will perform a large amount of unnecessary recalculations. For this reason, for the Simpact Cyan project, a population-based implementation of the mNRM was created as well. The core of this algorithm is provided by the PopulationAlgorithmAdvanced class, which defines the population as a set of people represented by a PersonBase class and which fires events derived from PopulationEvent.

These classes simply perform the core functions to make the mNRM work, but are intended to be extended. For this reason, the Simpact Cyan project defines a number of classes based on those:

To know how to use this population based algorithm, it can be useful to understand the way it works. The figure below illustrates how everything is organized. In essence, a population is just a collection of people and each person stores a list of events that are relevant to him.


When you construct a new PopulationEvent based instance, you need to specify the persons involved in this event, and the event gets stored in these persons' lists. As the figure shows, it is very well possible that a single event appears in the lists of different people: for example a relationship formation event would involve two persons and would therefore be present in two lists. To be able to have global events, events that in principle don't affect people that are known in advance, a 'dummy' person is introduced. This 'dummy' person, neither labelled as a 'Man' nor as a 'Woman', only has such global events in its event list. By definition, these events will not be present in any other person's list. Note that this implies that PopulationEvent::getNumberOfPersons will also return 1 for global events.

When an event fires, the algorithm assumes that the persons which have the event in their lists are affected and that their events will require a recalculation of the fire times. In case other people are affected as well (who you don't know beforehand), this can be specified using the functions PopulationEvent::isEveryoneAffected or PopulationEvent::markOtherAffectedPeople. If such additional people are specified, those people's event fire times will be recalculated as well. Using PopulationEvent::areGlobalEventsAffected you can indicate that the fire times of global events should be recalculated.

Before recalculating an event fire time, it is checked if the event is still relevant. If one of the persons specified during the event creation has died, the event is deemed useless and will be discarded. In case it's possible that an event becomes useless because of some other criteria, the PopulationEvent::isUseless function should be reimplemented to inform the algorithm about this. But note that this is only called before recalculating an event fire time, which in turn is only done for people affected by the event.

Each person keeps track of which event in his list will fire first. To know which event in the entire simulation will fire first, the algorithm then just needs to check the first event times for all the people.

'Other affected persons' vs scheduling new events

Sometimes you have the choice between two approaches upon firing a certain event:

  1. Perform some action immediately, and if this involves other people than the ones specified when the event was created, these people should be indicated using the PopulationEvent::markOtherAffectedPeople function.
  2. Alternatively, you can schedule events that should take place (nearly) immediately, each event affecting one of the other people and having the 'fire' code for that event take appropriate action.

What choice is best will vary on the situation. As an example, suppose that in a simulation involving relationships, there's a 'mortality' event which causes a person to die. In this case, when such a mortality event fires, we'd also need to make sure that all relationships that the deceased person is in, are dissolved. But we cannot schedule new dissolution events for this: we cannot in general schedule events that involve a person who has already died, since that person is no longer present in the population. In this case, there's really no choice and method 1 must be used.

Working with the code

As you will see below, the CMake build system is used to generate configuration files (a makefile, a Visual Studio project file, ...) to actually build your programs. Since such files are overwritten when you run CMake, and running CMake is done automatically when one of the CMakeLists.txt files has been changed (these files contain a description of how the programs should be built), you should never ever directly modify one of those generated files**. For example, do not add source file names to the resulting Visual Studio project file. Instead, adjust the build configuration by modifying the CMakelists.txt files, as is explained below.

Directory structure

Described from the viewpoint of the top level directory of the code archive, the following things are relevant for building an application using the Simpact Cyan code:

CMake configuration

The top-level CMakeLists.txt (the first one in the list above), looks as follows:

1 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
3 project(simpact-cyan)
4 set(VERSION 0.1.0)
5 include(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/SimpactMacros.cmake)
7 simpact_setup()
9 # This contains the main simpact program
10 add_subdirectory(src)

This is not a file that should be modified. Basically it just makes sure that extra routines are available from SimpactMacros.cmake, then simpact_setup() is called to make sure that the routines from SimpactMacros.cmake are ready to be used later on, and finally the build system is told to continue from the CMakeLists.txt file that resides in the src subdirectory.

That file does not contain much either, it just tells CMake where to look for the build instructions of some programs:

1 # The 'program' subdirectory contains the main simpact program
2 add_subdirectory(program)
4 # Some tests
5 add_subdirectory(tests/test1)
6 add_subdirectory(tests/test_mort)

In tests/test_mort for example, you'll find a set of source and header files, and also another CMakeLists.txt file which tells the build system what actually needs to be done:

2  simpactpopulation.cpp
3  person.cpp
4  eventmortality.cpp
5  main.cpp)
7 include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
8 add_simpact_executable(testmort ${SOURCES_TEST})

The 'set' line just defines a variable named SOURCES_TEST to contain a number of filenames. The 'include_directories' line makes sure that when building the program, the compiler will also look in this directory for header files. The last line, with 'add_simpact_executable' is where all the magic happens. This causes the build system to define two executables with different settings: 'debug' mode and in 'release' mode (different compiler settings). Typically you can specify if you want to use the basic or population based algorithm using a command line parameter.

When using a 'makefile' for building (in Linux for example), specifying the prefix 'testmort' in add_simpact_executable will cause two executables to be created:

Here, the 'testmort-release' should have the best performance, but it is always good to check from time to time that (for the same seed of the random number generator) results match when using the debug version, and for both the simple algorithm and the population based algorithm. In this particular example, the last command line parameter of either executable can be 'simple' or 'opt'. In case 'simple' is specified, an algorithm is used that's based on SimpleAlgorithm; if 'opt' is specified, the more optimized population based algorithm described previously is used. Usually, you'll want a random seed to be chosen, but to check that different program versions are compatible, the random seed can be overridden by setting the environment variable MNRM_DEBUG_SEED to the value of the seed that you want to use.

If CMake generates project files for Visual Studio, the executables will be placed in 'Debug' and 'Release' subdirectories.

Specifying ${SOURCES_TEST} in that last line just substitutes the contents of that variable. The file could also just look like this:

1 include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
2 add_simpact_executable(testmort simpactpopulation.cpp
3  person.cpp
4  eventmortality.cpp
5  main.cpp)

So if you want to add another population-based simulation, you should create a directory for the source files below the src directory and add a line to the CMakeLists.txt file in that new directory. For example, if we were going to create a new program called 'mynewprogram', we'd create a directory with this name and add a line to the CMakeLists.txt file to make it look as follows:

1 # The 'program' subdirectory contains the main simpact program
2 add_subdirectory(program)
4 # Some tests
5 add_subdirectory(tests/test1)
6 add_subdirectory(tests/test_mort)
8 # my new impressive program
9 add_subdirectory(mynewprogram)

In that directory we'd then add some source and header files, and we'd create a new CMakeLists.txt file that could look as follows:

1 include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
2 add_simpact_executable(mynewprogram simpactpopulation.cpp person.cpp eventtest.cpp main.cpp)

Note that all executables are placed in the same directory, so make sure the names used by all the programs (including your new program) differ! (the things that must differ are the names used as the first parameter of add_simpact_executable, e.g. mynewprogram and test_mort).

Adding some code

Let's continue with the 'mynewprogram' example. In the CMakeLists.txt file, we've specified that a number of source files will need to be compiled, so we need to make sure that they exist. Apart from those files, we'll also be creating a number of header files.

In the mNRM engine for population based simulations, a very general PersonBase class is used, which doesn't provide much functionality. To be able to add our own functions a number of subclasses will be defined. They won't have much use for this simple example, but they are a good place to start for a more advanced implementation. In a header file called person.h, the following code will be placed:

#ifndef PERSON_H
#define PERSON_H
#include "personbase.h"
class Person : public PersonBase
Person(double dateOfBirth, Gender g);
class Man : public Person
Man(double dateOfBirth);
class Woman : public Person
Woman(double dateOfBirth);
#endif // PERSON_H

In this file, we're defining our own class called Person which can contain operations needed for either gender. The constructor is 'protected' so that no Person instances will be created directly; instead, a derived class (Man or Woman) must be used. As you can see, neither of these classes contain meaningful functionality, but they can be a good starting point. The implementation of these classes is in person.cpp and looks as follows:

#include "person.h"
Person::Person(double dateOfBirth, Gender g) : PersonBase(g, dateOfBirth)
Man::Man(double dateOfBirth) : Person(dateOfBirth, Male)
Woman::Woman(double dateOfBirth) : Person(dateOfBirth, Female)

The only thing that these implementations do, is make sure that the constructor of the base class is called correctly. The dateOfBirth parameter is always passed on unmodified, while the classes Man and Woman pass the correct gender specification on to the base class.

In the PopulationEvent class, a member function PopulationEvent::getPerson is present which returns a person that was mentioned at construction time. This function returns instances of the PersonBase type, which will in fact be either Man or Woman, classes derived from PersonBase (by deriving from Person). We'll be needing to interpret these classes as a Person more often than as a PersonBase, so to avoid type-casting in our event code, we'll define a new SimpactEvent class in which the getPerson member function already performs the cast. This class is specified in simpactevent.h where all the code resides (i.e. there is no corresponding cpp file).

#include "person.h"
// This just provides some casts towards Person instead of PersonBase
class SimpactEvent : public PopulationEvent
SimpactEvent() : PopulationEvent() { }
SimpactEvent(Person *pPerson) : PopulationEvent(pPerson) { }
SimpactEvent(Person *pPerson1, Person *pPerson2) : PopulationEvent(pPerson1, pPerson2) { }
~SimpactEvent() { }
Person *getPerson(int idx) const { return reinterpret_cast<Person*>(PopulationEvent::getPerson(idx)); }

This class simply forwards the constructor to the PopulationEvent constructor and provides a getPerson function that calls the PopulationEvent::getPerson function and type-casts the result. This way, the compiler will know that we're certain the PersonBase instance can safely be interpreted as a Person instance.

For this simple test program, we'll define an event called EventTest, which inherits from SimpactEvent and which uses the same implementations as EventBase::getNewInternalTimeDifference, EventBase::calculateInternalTimeInterval and EventBase::solveForRealTimeInterval. These default implementations use a simple exponential probability distribution to pick internal time intervals from, and use the trivial mapping from internal time to real world time, i.e. internal time intervals equal real world time intervals. We will reimplement the PopulationEvent::getDescription function for logging purposes and we'll provide an implementation for the fire function (which won't contain any actual code though):

#include "simpactevent.h"
class EventTest : public SimpactEvent
EventTest(Person *pPerson);
std::string getDescription(double tNow) const;
void fire(Algorithm *pAlgorithm, State *pState, double t);
double getNewInternalTimeDifference(GslRandomNumberGenerator *pRndGen, const State *pState);
double calculateInternalTimeInterval(const State *pState, double t0, double dt);
double solveForRealTimeInterval(const State *pState, double Tdiff, double t0);
#endif // EVENTTEST_H

The event refers to one person, so it will only be in that person's event queue. The implementation for this class is in eventtest.cpp and looks as follows:

#include "eventtest.h"
#include "person.h"
EventTest::EventTest(Person *pPerson) : SimpactEvent(pPerson)
std::string EventTest::getDescription(double tNow) const
Person *pPerson = getPerson(0);
return std::string("Test event for ") + pPerson->getName();
void EventTest::fire(Algorithm *pAlgorithm, State *pState, double t)
// Let's not do anything in particular
// The following function needs to be modified if a distribution different
// from an exponential one must be used. If an exponential is ok, you don't
// need to supply this function, the one in the base class EventBase does
// the exact same thing.
double EventTest::getNewInternalTimeDifference(GslRandomNumberGenerator *pRndGen, const State *pState)
double r = pRndGen->pickRandomDouble(); // Pick a random uniform number from (0,1)
double dT = -std::log(r); // This transforms it to a random number from
// an exponential distribution
return dT;
// The following functions must be implemented if a hazard different from h(s) = 1
// must be used. On the other hand, if this trivial mapping between real-world time
// intervals and internal time intervals is sufficient, you don't need to implement
// these functions. In that case, you can just let the base class EventBase handle
// them, since those implementations are exactly the same as the functions below.
double EventTest::calculateInternalTimeInterval(const State *pState, double t0, double dt)
// Here we must map the real world time interval dt onto an internal time
// interval. We'll just set interval times equal to real world times,
// corresponding to a hazard h(s) = 1.
return dt;
double EventTest::solveForRealTimeInterval(const State *pState, double Tdiff, double t0)
// This should do the inverse mapping, from internal time difference Tdiff onto
// a real world time interval. Again, here the hazard is h(s) = 1
return Tdiff;

For population based simulations, we can choose between PopulationAlgorithmSimple and PopulationAlgorithmAdvanced as the mNRM algorithm. The former actually uses the SimpleAlgorithm implementation described earlier, in which every event time is recalculated each time another event has fired. The PopulationAlgorithmAdvanced algorithm on the other hand, uses the more optimized approach in which every person will have a list of relevant events. The algorithm from PopulationAlgorithmSimple needs a population state that's defined in PopulationStateSimple, while PopulationAlgorithmAdvanced needs a population state that's somewhat more complex, and is defined in PopulationStateAdvanced.

To make it easier to experiment with different algorithms and different state implementations, both algorithm implementations implement the interface defined in PopulationAlgorithmInterface. The states on the other hand, both provide the functions defined in PopulationStateInterface. If your program only uses these two interfaces, it can automatically handle both versions of the algorithm, and if a more efficient algorithm becomes available in the future, you'll only need to instantiate the new algorithm and state classes to make your program work with the more efficient code.

To be able to perform some custom action right before an event fires, you can implement the PopulationAlgorithmAboutToFireInterface and inform the algorithm about this using PopulationAlgorithmInterface::setAboutToFireAction. You'll typically need some more information in your simulation state than is provided through the PopulationStateInterface functions. For this reason, you can associate extra data in the form of a PopulationStateExtra derived class to the simulation state, using the PopulationStateInterface::setExtraStateInfo method.

In the SimpactPopulation class, we'll do precisely these things: we derive from PopulationAlgorithmAboutToFireInterface to be able to write something to screen when an event fires, and we derive from PopulationStateExtra to be able to define additional population properties in this class if desired. The constructor needs one of the specified algorithms and the corresponding state, and an object of this SimpactPopulation class will remember these. For convenience, the class defines several member functions which simply call a function (with the same name) of the state or algorithm class. The SIMPACTPOPULATION function shows how you can retrieve this SimpactPopulation instance from a State instance (actually an object that implements PopulationStateInterface), which you get for example in the EventBase::fire or EventBase::getNewInternalTimeDifference functions. These SIMPACTPOPULATION functions will not be used in this example however.

The definition of the class is specified in simpactpopulation.h:

#include "person.h"
#include <assert.h>
class SimpactPopulation : public PopulationStateExtra, public PopulationAlgorithmAboutToFireInterface
SimpactPopulation(PopulationAlgorithmInterface &alg, PopulationStateInterface &state);
bool_t init(int numMen, int numWomen);
Person **getAllPeople() { return reinterpret_cast<Person**>(m_state.getAllPeople()); }
Man **getMen() { return reinterpret_cast<Man**>(m_state.getMen()); }
Woman **getWomen() { return reinterpret_cast<Woman**>(m_state.getWomen()); }
Person **getDeceasedPeople() { return reinterpret_cast<Person**>(m_state.getDeceasedPeople()); }
int getNumberOfPeople() const { return m_state.getNumberOfPeople(); }
int getNumberOfMen() const { return m_state.getNumberOfMen(); }
int getNumberOfWomen() const { return m_state.getNumberOfWomen(); }
int getNumberOfDeceasedPeople() const { return m_state.getNumberOfDeceasedPeople(); }
void addNewPerson(Person *pPerson) { m_state.addNewPerson(pPerson); }
void setPersonDied(Person *pPerson) { m_state.setPersonDied(pPerson); }
void markAffectedPerson(Person *pPerson) const { m_state.markAffectedPerson(pPerson); }
double getTime() const { return m_state.getTime(); }
void scheduleInitialEvents();
void onNewEvent(PopulationEvent *pEvt) { m_alg.onNewEvent(pEvt); }
bool m_init;
inline SimpactPopulation &SIMPACTPOPULATION(State *pState)
assert(pState != 0);
PopulationStateInterface &state = static_cast<PopulationStateInterface &>(*pState);
assert(state.getExtraStateInfo() != 0);
return static_cast<SimpactPopulation &>(*state.getExtraStateInfo());
inline const SimpactPopulation &SIMPACTPOPULATION(const State *pState)
assert(pState != 0);
const PopulationStateInterface &state = static_cast<const PopulationStateInterface &>(*pState);
assert(state.getExtraStateInfo() != 0);
return static_cast<const SimpactPopulation &>(*state.getExtraStateInfo());

This header file also defines an init function which will create an initial number of men and women, and which will schedule an initial set of events. The implementation of this class will be stored in simpactpopulation.cpp** and looks as follows:

#include "simpactpopulation.h"
#include "eventtest.h"
#include "person.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
SimpactPopulation::SimpactPopulation(PopulationAlgorithmInterface &alg, PopulationStateInterface &state)
: PopulationStateExtra(), m_state(state), m_alg(alg)
m_init = false;
bool_t SimpactPopulation::init(int numMen, int numWomen)
if (m_init)
return "Population is already initialized";
if (numMen < 0 || numWomen < 0)
return "The number of men and women must be at least zero";
// Time zero is at the start of the simulation, so the birth dates are negative
for (int i = 0 ; i < numMen ; i++)
Person *pPerson = new Man(-10.0);
for (int i = 0 ; i < numWomen ; i++)
Person *pPerson = new Woman(-10.0);
// Schedule initial events
m_init = true;
return true;
void SimpactPopulation::scheduleInitialEvents()
int numPeople = getNumberOfPeople();
Person **ppPeople = getAllPeople();
// Initialize the event list with the test events
for (int i = 0 ; i < numPeople ; i++)
EventTest *pEvt = new EventTest(ppPeople[i]);
void SimpactPopulation::onAboutToFire(PopulationEvent *pEvent)
double t = getTime();
cout << t << "\t" << pEvent->getDescription(t) << endl;

Note that in the constructor, we call PopulationAlgorithmInterface::setAboutToFireAction and PopulationStateInterface::setExtraStateInfo. The first call will make sure that our own onAboutToFire function is called, while the second makes sure that when an object implementing PopulationStateInterface is used somewhere, we can get this particular SimpactPopulation instance using the PopulationStateInterface::getExtraStateInfo function.

In the init function, the return type is bool_t. This can be used to return true or false, and in case false is returned, an error description can be set as well. To make it even easier, if you just return a string, the program will automatically know that false needs to be returned and that the error string should be set to what you specified.

The init function checks if some criteria are met, creates a number of Man and Woman instances with age 10 at the start of the simulation (so their birth date is -10), and introduces them into the population using addNewPerson (which in turn calls PopulationStateInterface::addNewPerson). In the scheduleInitialEvents member function, we'll just schedule a single test event for everyone in the population where each event is introduced into the mNRM algorithm by calling onNewEvent (which then calls PopulationAlgorithmInterface::onNewEvent). In the onAboutToFire function we'll just print out the description of the event that's being fired.

To finish this small test program, we still need to implement a main function, the starting point of our application. In this example, the file containing this function is called main.cpp and contains the following code:

#include "simpactpopulation.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool_t selectAlgorithmAndState(const string &algo, GslRandomNumberGenerator &rng, bool parallel,
int main(void)
double tMax = 1e200; // we're just going to run this until everyone is dead
bool parallel = false;
string algo = "opt"; // change this to 'simple' for the slow algorithm
bool_t r = selectAlgorithmAndState(algo, rng, parallel, &pAlgo, &pState);
if (!r)
cerr << "Couldn't create requested algorithm:" << r.getErrorString() << endl;
return -1;
SimpactPopulation pop(*pAlgo, *pState);
if (!(r = pop.init(1000, 1000))) // initialize with 1000 men and 1000 women
std::cerr << r.getErrorString() << std::endl;
return -1;
int64_t maxEvents = -1; // don't specify a maximum
if (!(r = pAlgo->run(tMax, maxEvents)))
cerr << "# Error running simulation: " << r.getErrorString() << std::endl;
cerr << "# Current simulation time is " << pAlgo->getTime() << std::endl;
std::cerr << "# Number of events executed is " << maxEvents << std::endl;
delete pState;
delete pAlgo;
return 0;
bool_t selectAlgorithmAndState(const string &algo, GslRandomNumberGenerator &rng, bool parallel,
if (algo == "opt")
ppState = pPopState;
ppAlgo = new PopulationAlgorithmAdvanced(*pPopState, rng, parallel);
else if (algo == "simple")
ppState = pPopState;
ppAlgo = new PopulationAlgorithmSimple(*pPopState, rng, parallel);
return "Invalid algorithm: " + algo;
bool_t r = (*ppAlgo)->init();
if (!r)
delete *ppState;
delete *ppAlgo;
return r;
return true;

In this main function, we specify the random number generator (of type GslRandomNumberGenerator) which is to be used in the entire simulation. This random number generator must exist the entire time the simulation is being used. A helper function called selectAlgorithmAndState is used to allocate specific PopulationAlgorithmInterface and PopulationStateInterface instances. In the implementation of this function, you can see that if "opt" is specified, these will contain objects of types PopulationAlgorithmAdvanced and PopulationStateAdvanced, while if "simple" is specified, PopulationAlgorithmSimple and PopulationStateSimple will be used instead.

Next, the population's init function is called, specifying that 1000 men and women are to be introduced. The simulation is then run using the PopulationAlgorithmInterface::run function, specifying a maximum simulation time that's so large that there's really no limit, and specifying a negative value for maxEvents to indicate that the number of events is not limited. When this function returns, the contents of tMax and of maxEvents will have been altered to contain the last simulation time and the number of events executed.

Running the program

After compiling everything you should find two executables:

With a random seed, the output of mynewprogram-release could start with the following for example:

1 # read seed from /dev/urandom
2 # Using seed 660018445
3 # mNRM: using advanced algorithm
4 # Release version
5 0.000810901 Test event for woman_1903
6 0.00238553 Test event for man_707
7 0.00250673 Test event for woman_1909
8 0.00275592 Test event for man_931
9 0.00283972 Test event for man_564
10 0.00318387 Test event for man_972
11 0.00323689 Test event for man_476
12 0.00372646 Test event for man_280

In which case it would end with these lines:

1 5.6062 Test event for woman_1266
2 5.85834 Test event for man_236
3 5.9053 Test event for man_535
4 5.92222 Test event for woman_1165
5 6.39194 Test event for woman_1231
6 6.56429 Test event for woman_1240
7 6.74629 Test event for woman_1036
8 # Error running simulation: No next scheduled event found: No event found
9 # Current simulation time is 6.74629
10 # Number of events executed is 2000

The lines starting with '#' at the beginning of the output are generated by the algorithm used and provide some information which could be useful later on, for example the seed used for the random number generator (could be useful to check if the same output is generated by the debug version or using the other algorithm), if the 'advanced' or 'basic' version of the algorithm was used and if the 'debug' or 'release' version is used.

This simulation just runs until no more events are present in the system, which is reported as an error. If we were to make a histogram of the times events take place, we'd obtain the following distribution:


Because we're using a constant hazard $ h(s) = 1$ in the EventTest class, we're just seeing the distribution used for the internal event times: an exponential distribution.

The Simpact Cyan program

The full Simpact Cyan program can be found in the src/program and src/program-common subdirectories. This program contains several events that can take place, the Person class is more elaborate to keep track of relationships, number of children, HIV infection status etc, but the overall structure of the program is the same as the simple example explained above. Documentation about using the resulting program can be found here: Simpact Cyan reference documentation

Since this program is still under development, finished documentation of all the classes and functions used is not available currently. Below you'll find some general information that may be helpful though.

More often than not, you'll need access to the person that was specified in the constructor of a SimpactEvent class. As in the example above, this is done by specifying Person instances, which can be accessed using the getPerson member function. This getPerson function of the SimpactEvent class overrides the implementation from PopulationEvent::getPerson, and makes sure the person is returned as a Person instance (instead of a PersonBase instance).

Sometimes you'll need access to functions that are present in a Man or Woman subclass, so if you know what gender the person is, you can call the functions MAN or WOMAN to reinterpret a Person instance as either a Man or a Woman instance. In debug mode, a check is done in these functions to make sure that the gender setting matches the type you're trying to convert to, but for performance reasons this check is not done in release mode. An example of such a function call can be found in the fire function of the birth event, where we need to reset the 'pregnant' flag of the mother (which does not exist for a Man instance):

Woman *pMother = WOMAN(getPerson(0));
// other code

When an event fires, your own re-implementation of EventBase::fire is called. Using an argument to this function, the algorithm and state are passed. In our own implementation, we've created a class called SimpactPopulation in similar way as in the previous example, providing a function called SIMPACTPOPULATION that you can use to obtain a SimpactPopulation reference from such a State pointer. Make sure that if the source State object has a const specifier, the destination reference also has one or the compiler will complain. For example, the fire code of the mortality event looks like this:

void EventMortality::fire(Algorithm *pAlgorithm, State *pState, double t)
SimpactPopulation &population = SIMPACTPOPULATION(pState);
// rest of the code here

Because the source pState does not have a const specifier, the target population variable doesn't need one either. However, in the getNewInternalTimeDifference function, which does use a const State pointer, the destination reference also needs to have this const:

double EventMortality::getNewInternalTimeDifference(GslRandomNumberGenerator *pRndGen, const State *pState)
const SimpactPopulation &population = SIMPACTPOPULATION(pState);
// rest of the code here

In this Simpact Cyan program, you'll always derive an event from the SimpactEvent class, which is almost identical to the code shown above. You can reimplement the functions EventBase::getNewInternalTimeDifference, EventBase::calculateInternalTimeInterval and EventBase::solveForRealTimeInterval to determine which distribution you're using to generate new internal time intervals and to calculate the mapping between such internal time intervals and real world event fire times.

By default, the getNewInternalTimeDifference function chooses a time interval from the simple exponential distribution $ {\rm prob}(x) = \exp(-x) $, analogous to the description in the mNRM article. So if that's ok for your event, you don't have to provide an implementation for that function and you can just let the base class handle this. To map an internal time interval onto a real world time and vice versa, you then only need to implement the solveForRealTimeInterval and calculateInternalTimeInterval functions.

On the other end of the spectrum you could also easily create an event that fires at a specific real world time using these functions. You'll then need to reimplement getNewInternalTimeDifference so that it returns the real world time interval until the event fires. And that's all you'll need to do: in the default implementations of calculateInternalTimeInterval and solveForRealTimeInterval internal time intervals already equal real world time intervals, so you won't need to add those functions to your class anymore.

To cancel the future execution of an event, you can reimplement the PopulationEvent::isUseless function. Before this function is called, a check has already been done to see if one of the persons specified in the constructor (of the SimpactEvent derived class) has died. If so, the event will be cancelled and no further check is done. Otherwise, the PopulationEvent::isUseless function is called and if this returns true, the event is cancelled as well. Note that this function is only called for events that would require a recalculation of their mapping from internal time to real world time, which are the events queued in the event lists of persons relevant to the event that has just been fired.

As an example of this, consider the following code in the transmission event, which is used to transfer HIV infection from an infected person onto an uninfected one:

bool EventTransmission::isUseless()
// Transmission from pPerson1 to pPerson2
Person *pPerson1 = getPerson(0);
Person *pPerson2 = getPerson(1);
// If person2 already became HIV positive, there no sense in further transmission
if (pPerson2->isInfected())
return true;
// Event is useless if the relationship between the two people is over
if (!pPerson1->hasRelationshipWith(pPerson2))
return true;
return false;

When looking at any part of the code, you'll see many 'assert' function calls. This is a check that is executed when compiling the program in 'debug' mode, but is skipped when compiling the program in 'release' mode. Using such checks is strongly encouraged: if at some point you believe a condition should always hold, add an 'assert' call to verify this. While this can still make your program go wrong or even crash in release mode, being able to pinpoint such a failed check in debug mode can greatly speed up the search for the mistake. Since it is much easier to add such lines when you're creating the code than when you're looking for a bug that you haven't been able to pinpoint yet, I strongly recommend adding such 'assert' checks while you're adding a function**. Such assertions are very helpful in preventing and tracking down conceptual mistakes, which are the worst kind since they don't cause an immediate crash of your program but do generate results that are incorrect.